
Why Need an Interactive Display in Your Classroom/Office?

In our fast paced tech-driven world, capturing the hearts of children is a challenge. Keeping their attention is an even bigger challenge. The best teaching is an art and a science. Educators are integrating technology in the classroom with amazing results. Interactive Displays are an innovation that many classrooms and offices are beginning to adopt. So, an interactive display in your classroom and office is a necessity.
This article will discuss benefits that interactive display will enhance your classroom and office.
  1. Benefits of theInteractive Displays in the Classroom
Teachers globally have already discovered the power that that touch screen technology can have in a classroom. It’s helping their students to learn more in a shorter space of time, but despite the benefits of these touch displays, not every country is on track with integrating this technology in their classrooms.
With these touch displays used in the education sector, students can be engaged with participatory lessons that are designed to reinforce skills with multi-sensory and collaborative learning. Instruction techniques from years past simply can’t keep up with today’s hyper-connected youth. Notes can be stored and shared and students outside the classroom will still have access to data.

  1. Benefits of Interactive Displays in the office
When it comes to the boardroom, ideation and dispersal of information are important elements of productive meetings and more than 125 blue-chip (Fortune 500) companies in over 50 countries around the world are using visual collaboration solutions in industries such as financial services, manufacturing and advanced technology. Whether your team members are most productive in one-on-one informal collaborations or formal presentations and training, you never lose an innovative idea and can make effective and timely decisions. Instead of spending 30 minutes on one-way presentations on a traditional touch screen or slide across a PowerPoint, an interactive display enables meeting participants to fully engage with the information being discussed. Access to information is also more effective since files can be easily shared, accessed, edited, and saved all on the touch screen. You can iterate in real-time, editing and making changes as you receive feedback from your colleagues.

Are you currently using touch screens in your classroom or business? How has the technology affected day-to-day operations? For more insights on touch screen technology and solutions that cater to your individual needs, connect with us today and join our growing community.



Five Reasons to Buy a Document Camera for the Classroom

More schools are looking for ways to enhance their students' learning experience through technology. One way to increase the students' enthusiasm for their schoolwork and provide them with an interactive learning experience is through the use of  document cameras in the classroom .  Document cameras are slowly becoming a common tool in schools and universities, and for a good reason. This type of technology can help give students, teachers, and staff a way to provide clearer access to information and enhance learning programs. Here are 5 reasons why should invest  document cameras in education  for your class. 1.  Allows for better visibility, flexibility and accessibility.   Using a document camera can give your students a better look at any items or documents you want to show them, especially for the tiniest details on a piece of paper or on an object. It is especially important and useful in large lecture halls and big cla...

IQBoard's Customer - Teacher's Feedback Photo

IQboard has been in interactive education for so many years. And we received many customer's feedback. Photos below included interactive whiteboard DVT, smart classroom solution, infrared interactive whiteboard. For any detail informations, please feel free to contact us. Email:Ryan@iqboard.net Website : www.iqboard.net

5 Benefits of Using Interactive Whiteboard In Your Classroom

Interactive whiteboards  have brought significant improvements in the education sector by simplifying the learning processes. The technology has been integrated in all levels of learning including primary school, high school and institutions of higher learning. Though the technology has been around for more than two decades, its use has only grown exponentially over the past few years. An interactive whiteboard can be in the form of a standalone touchscreen computer or a connectable apparatus with touchpad used to control other computers from a projector. The benefits of using interactive whiteboards in the classroom affect both the students and teachers positively.  Five   b enefits of i nteractive w hiteboards in the c lassroom a re a s f ollows: 1)  INTERACTIVE LEARNING Interactive whiteboards allow children to interact with the learning material. They become a part of the lesson and can even teach each other. Their understandi...