
Guide to Buying Interactive Touch Screen for School

Educational technology represents a big investment for schools — so it makes sense to do your research before you buy. We can help set up some purchasing guidelines to help drive your decision. Here’s our top tips for buying the best interactive panels for your classroom.
1. Budget
This is the first question that you should address before you begin making your purchasing decision. However, it’s not as simple as it first appears. Many schools opt for the device with the lowest possible price per unit — but this approach can be short-sighted.
Lower-priced devices often have associated costs, such as software licensing fees, repair and replacement costs, and IT support, that drive up the total cost of ownership. IQTouch interactive touch screen has software bonus for each touch screen order.
2. Size
Flat panel interactive displays which are suitable for most classroom sizes range from 55” to 98”, with the most popular sizes being in the range 65” to 84”. The size of the room should dictate the size of your screen. The basic rule is that the screen should be large enough to allow the students at the back of the class to be able to easily read a 20pt font.
3. Resolution
The resolution defines the sharpness and clarity of any visual panel and is the number of pixels (individual points of colour) contained within the screen. The resolution is defined as the number of pixels in the horizontal axis X the number in the vertical axis. The higher the resolution, the sharper and crisper the image. For example, IQTouch interactive touch screen series are all with clear 4K UHD display.
4. Students Age
This is an important question to ask because it highlights the functionality your students need in their classroom technology. Younger students, for instance, typically do better with tablet-style devices with touch screens that help build their manual dexterity while Junior High and High School students tend to need more functionality than tablets offer and do better with laptops or desktop devices. Fortunately, IQTouch touch screen series offer multiple connectivity, including mobile connectivity, and feature 10 or 20 simultaneous points of touch so that students can collaborate more easily.
There are other questions to consider before investing in educational technology for your school — How often do you plan to upgrade? Which operating system do you want your students to learn? but these initial 4 suggestions will get you a long way toward a smart decision. Or, if you are ready to see our panels in action, contact us for a no obligation on-site demo.



Five Reasons to Buy a Document Camera for the Classroom

More schools are looking for ways to enhance their students' learning experience through technology. One way to increase the students' enthusiasm for their schoolwork and provide them with an interactive learning experience is through the use of  document cameras in the classroom .  Document cameras are slowly becoming a common tool in schools and universities, and for a good reason. This type of technology can help give students, teachers, and staff a way to provide clearer access to information and enhance learning programs. Here are 5 reasons why should invest  document cameras in education  for your class. 1.  Allows for better visibility, flexibility and accessibility.   Using a document camera can give your students a better look at any items or documents you want to show them, especially for the tiniest details on a piece of paper or on an object. It is especially important and useful in large lecture halls and big classrooms. Some, like IQView E3511 document came

IQBoard - China Education Show - Interactive Technology

As one of the most important exhibitions in education industry, China Education Show offers a unique platform to show latest technology and classroom equipment.  Guess what -- IQboard has attended the exhibition and our booth is D-2006 t his autumn (11.19-11.21), Nanning .  IQ team has showed its core solutions,  IQClass solution and IQSchool solution which is for smart class teaching and smart school control. With IQView Micro Lecture Making system,one-step video recording and editing can be achieved and published through IQCloud, which is more convenience . At the same time, IQClass Intelligent Classroom system facilitates interactive teaching before-in-after class,enabling teachers to conduct mobile teaching and creating lively atmosphere in classroom. Except for these solutions, IQ main products of IQ interactive whiteboard DVT and IQ interactive Touch Screen have attracted attention as before. Especially, with four-screen presentation at the same time and sim

IQBoard Interactive Flat Panel Displays in the Classroom

In a global survey of educators, more than 75% of the respondents said that technology and collaborative learning improve students’ social and emotional skill development. They also said that student success is 3.4 times more likely when collaborative learning practices and technology are used together frequently in the classroom. Given these insights and the fact that many students seem to learn better visually and kinesthetically, it’s not surprising that so many classrooms are incorporating interactive flat panel display (IFPD) technology into the curriculum. There are several brands on the market, each has its advantages and disadvantages. Your education customers will have to consider several variables when making their purchasing decisions—including price, functionality and learning environment, to name a few.  This article will talk about  IQBoard interactive flat panel displays  for your reference. 1.  IQ Interactive LCD Flat Panel - IQTouch K Series   IQ