Gone are the days when investing in classroom technology meant nothing more exciting than choosing which colour of chalk to buy for the board. The communications revolution is advancing at a dizzying rate, and educators have to keep pace — or fall from grace. Especially as modern students are cyber savvy with an aptitude for apps and teachers are hungry for better engagement and group collaboration. As educators and schools strive to find ways to better engage students and motivate learning, they are recognizing that using interactive HD technology in the classroom is key. In these tips we highlight the top five things to think about when making this purchase. 1. Display Screen All displays are LCD; they are backlit by LEDs or CCFLs. LED backlighting provides a brighter picture and is more energy-efficient. Don’t strain your brain over the acronyms — LCD/LED tends to be the better choice. 2. Display Size Students should be able to easily read 20-point type from the farthe...